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This is a passage that is familiar to us...most Christians have learned some form of this text in early childhood Sunday school lessons, we know this one. “FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD”

It instills in us a mindset for growth and evangelism…It reminds us that we are not alone here and we are invited to engage in the sharing of the Gospel story. It is who we are....

Pastor Todd shared depictions of paintings and diagrams of the Trinity, including a few that appeared to have the Father, Son and Holy Spirit connected in a dance. And he exclaimed, “In God we are “divine community” together - (so let’s dance)”

Interestingly, in the studying of the Trinity - and looking at artistic depictions of the Trinity - we are able to more clearly see a place for US being added to the community of God. A place where we are invited to take part of the “dance” that probably better depicts God than a picture - because dance involves action and movement and partnership.

And so as we move into a differently shaped community, let us remember that it is God that calls us and holds us together in the dance.

Where are you dancing with God today?
Pastor Erin