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Pastor Todd noted for us on Sunday that “The Holy Spirit was working through Martin Luther to unleash the good news of Jesus Christ”.  And that the Reformation we celebrate was not the only reformation, but it was one that we grew out of.  Even today, reforms continue to help do the work of continuing reformations.

As we pay attention to reviving the work of reforming - we also need to pay attention to not just the changing church - but how we are making REAL connections with one another in the world.  And maybe the next reformation project is “us trying to figure out how to love one another in this place” (as in our time and space in history) - and to find ways that we can recognize and say “hey we are all in this together”.

Let us rise to the challenge of finding ways to connect with God’s action in our community. AND understand that the challenge is a call to us as God’s people, and remember the freedom that we have in following the way of Christ and continuing to find ways to show true love and compassion in the world around us.

Pastor Erin