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Waiting is hard work - Watching and waiting gets even harder.  As we practice keeping our minds alert and active while trying to pay attention to the signs of life and connection - or concerns around us.

And yet we are called to watch and wait - in this scripture we are called to stand up and raise our heads.  When one raises their head it is (in our culture) a sign of confidence and assuredness. For those who follow(ed) Jesus “raising your head” meant deliverance from sin. Being redeemed. Straightening up and raising your heads to look into Jesus' eyes. Because eyes are important.

Where we turn our eyes forces our heads to follow, and then our feet.  If we are keeping our eyes open, and we are keeping watch, then we are paying attention to what is going on in the world around us - AND if we are paying attention then we need to also know what we are looking at or for.  

Here Jesus reminds us that we are watching for our redemption.  We are watching for Jesus, We are watching in order that we know how to follow God’s call to us, and for us.

Advent is the latin word for arriving.  It is an active word - so how do we actively wait?
We Watch while we wait - we prepare ourselves from the inside out.  We are choosing how it is that we want to be participating in the journey of faith during this season…
Note also that this is the beginning of the church “year”.  This is the beginning of the story, and just as we enter into a new calendar year with hopes and dreams and goals for ourselves - we also enter this new church year with HOPE... 

While it is hard to wait when we know something so fabulous is on the way, we are given this time to prepare ourselves - for Jesus to come into the world.

How are you preparing yourself in this time of waiting?  How are  you getting ready?  How are you sharing your hearts and minds to meet Jesus in the stable, in the manger?  How are you getting ready to see Jesus in the world? 

Tough questions for the new year - time to get ready….