We are excited that you are interested in our Children and Youth Ministries at Trinity Lutheran Church! We have many opportunities for all ages. Find the age group below and follow the link to more information on each of our Children and Youth Ministries.

Children Ministries
Ages 3-11

Godly Play Children's Worship
Children's Worship time for pre-K-5th grade after the 9am service

After-school program for children in grades pre-K (3yrs) - 5th grade on Wednesdays from 3:15-6:00pm

Summer Programs
Vacation Bible School
Day Camp

Youth Ministries
Ages 12-18

FAM - 6-8 grades
Our Middle School confirmation program meets on Wednesdays from 6-8pm.
Program includes: Youth Confirmation, Fellowship Activities, Camps and Retreats

ETHOS - 9-12 grades
Our High School Youth program meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays from 6:00 - 8:00pm
Program includes: Youth Bible Study, Fellowship Activities, Camps and Retreats, Mission Trips, Youth Gatherings

2022-23 FAM Schedule FAM Worship Notes for all Grades